Feral and the Ghost Skater: Stay Bullet
by Dave Davenport
Winner of the Prism Comics Queer Press Grant 2015
I am very proud to be the recipient of the 2015 Queer Press Grant.Bleeding Cool article announcing winner
Graphic Policy article announcing winner
Comics Reporter article announcing winner
This was the forth time I applied and the third time with this particular story.
I don't think I would have won if I hadn't taken the story writing process more seriously than I have in the past. All of my comic writing to this point had been done in the form of sketching in the panels, and I've found that has worked well enough for shorter pieces, but Stray Bullet is the longest narrative I've written to date. This third time applying for the grant and the process of "selling" my story to the judges (after some experience with writing since the last time I had applied) allowed me to see this story as a whole for the first time, rather than the chunk in front of me at the moment.
Now I knew I needed to withdraw the pages I've published so far in favor of writing the story as a whole before committing any to more art. What's been seen will still be in there, but not necessarily 100% as it is now... and not entirely canon.
If you have any of the self-published copies of Feral and the Ghost Skater #1 or #2, consider them collectors items. I have a couple of copies of #1 left, and half a dozen of #2, they will be for sale until they are gone*, but after that I'm excited to finish writing and present you with a story that is as solid as it can be and that I will be and am very proud of.
So far I've written enough for four issues of 30 pages apiece, and it isn't finished yet! It's getting more personal all the time, and I'm very pleased with what I am doing with this book. Where is it going?
All I can say is that the end will leave every character changed radically.
If you are new to the world of Feral and the Ghost Skater, Hard to Swallow comics #3 and Hard to Swallow comics #4 are still available, and feature early black and white stories of these characters (along with other short stories by myself and Justin Hall). Bent Comix Sampler also has a 4 page full color "primer" on the characters, which gives a good introduction to many who will appear in Stray Bullet.
Arigatou Gozaimasu to Prism Comics, the Queer Press Grant, and all of it's supporters for this great honor. Thanks for pushing me to create greater and thanks for the recognition!
* According to the creator's inventory list on Prism Comics' website shop, they have a stash of Feral and the Ghost Skater #1. Also, Isotope Comics in San Francisco has a handful, last time I checked. Ask to see my toilet seat painting while you are there!