fun facts about me

My photo
los angeles, ca, United States
My name is Dave Davenport, but I am sometimes known as "Dogspunk", and sign my artwork "DDOG". I've been tattooing since 1996 and making comic books since 2004. In a past life I animated video games. To view galleries of my work, visit my website and click on the teeth menu on the left...

Monday, April 21, 2008

hot list

Another old piece, this one was a 2 page spread for OUT magazine. I like the piece, but conceptually a nightmare. The art director wanted a "summer fun" scene in hell, and specifically wanted a devil evocative of my character the Grey Otter. The piece originally had this devil driving the dune buggy, and the surfer on the wave of flame was a devil as well. The magazine editor saw the original sketch and freaked out; the magazine in no way wanted to appear to promote Satan. So, demonic reference was erased, and there we have the piece as it is now, which makes little sense.
I still like it though. I rarely do a piece only in illustrator these days.
BTW, the devil sign (being made by the passenger in the buggy) slipped past the editor :)


werewolfmike said...

Human contradictions continue to amaze me. They wanted a "summer of fun in Hell" without Satan or demons? Wouldn't a Satanless Hell just be a really hot place?? If it was such an issue, they should've just requested a "summer of fun ON the sun".

Sort of reminds me of the time my dad refused to buy Blue Devil paint because it had the word "devil" on it.

Your piece turned out cool (I mean, hot) anyway!

dogspunk said...

thanks Mike! How is life? Mind if I post some of your tattoo designs?

werewolfmike said...

Life is good. Then again, what's the alternative?? heh heh.

'Course you can post 'em.

I was s'posed to get the wizard one started on my birthday, but I'm havin' trouble finding a tattooist. The most trustworthy seeming place I've found near me has a LONG wait list.

dogspunk said...

have you checked this guy out?

werewolfmike said...

I'd be there in a minute, but Seattle's 3 hours away, one way.

I've been looking for something closer to home on the East side of the state. I'm gonna try either Monarch or Atomic City in Kennewick.

Thanks for the suggestion though. His work looks pretty cool.